Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Been A While Hasn't It

Well, I apologize for not posting sooner. Got super busy with final exams. I'm a little worried about my one class. I didn't do so well on the final. I've never been all that great with tests though. But here's hoping, fingers crossed that I pass and don't have to take the class again. Blah.

So Christmas is just around the corner. I did some online Christmas shopping. It keeps me from having to deal with rude, inconsiderate sales people. I realize you're working in a busy store, etc. But at least have the courtesy to smile and not roll your eyes when I ask you a question. It's really rude. Besides I know I've seen a lot of you where I work and I don't roll my eyes at you. I smile and say hello. I don't smack my gum and go "oh, I don't know..." and then not offer anymore help after that. It makes me want to put all of the things I was GOING to purchase and put them back. HENCE why everyone shops ONLINE. Yes, that's right, you are the cause of that.

I had a lady treat me like I was seven. She told me, in this rude, I'm better than you voice "if you're going to wander the store, put it down" so I told her "no" and left. I'm not seven I'm twenty-two and if you can't be polite enough to say "hey, I'm sorry but company policy says you can't have drinks in the store. If you want you can set it down here while you do your shopping" and SMILE, then I'm just not going to bother. Sorry.

But please don't get me started on the drivers here. Especially during the Holidays. OH MY GOD. WHYYYYY. There is NO reason that you should be taking up that many parking spots, you drive a Neon. A NEON. Seriously. I might have let it slide if it was say... A Lamborghini, or a Lotus Elise, etc. But a Neon? Really? And how many turning lights did the other lady sit through before she realized she could bloody well turn. This is why I dislike driving during "peak shopping days" when all the stores have sales before Christmas. Also, let me down the isle lady, I need to get to that thing beside you, but you take up the entire isle because you feel the need to look at everything from a distance, but you need to see your cart so it's in front of you. STOP THAT.

ANYWAY, I'm off to get some pictures with my sister~ Hurrah~ I'll post later~

Monday, October 31, 2011

It's That Time Again~

Time for Halloween.
For gouls and zombies, witches and princesses.
But seriously.
Where is the Halloween Spirit going?
School are getting rid of it because it's "too scary".
No one really dresses up anymore.
It makes me so sad... :|
I don't think there's anything wrong with Halloween.
It gave children the option of being creative.
Hell you can't even dress up as a ghost because it "represents the dead".
Who thought up that shit. >(
I dressed up, I'm damn proud of myself. :3
It's my favorite holiday.
Next to Christmas.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well, I Think All Is Well...

Got my midterm mark back for my IDST 100 class. Got an 81% on it which makes me super happy and such. Can't wait to write my other three midterms. Hoping we go over what we need for the midterm in KNES Lecture today. Found out that some of the information he gives us is different than what's in the textbook. Not really sure I like that. I'm not so sure about Psychology either, considering we've only covered 2/5 chapters that need to be covered for the midterm. Though we're doing review on Friday. I'm still a little iffy about it. Everyone is.

On another note, I've been working my butt off trying to finish this guild art for my World of Warcraft guild. I need to finish it before the end of the month. But I'm just about done the line art and had a request from a friend that they would like to color it(awesome). I like the way they color stuff, so I'm excited to see what they come up with.

I'm also excited for Halloween. My costume should be here by Friday I hope. Fingers crossed, I know how the Canadian border works when it comes to packages. They take FOREVER. I really hope they haven't slashed open the box either, they did that with two things I ordered from the states and neither of them worked after they took them apart. Word of caution, if you want electronics order from China and make sure it's not going to cross the American border. They WILL disassemble it and pretend to put it back together. : |

Lastly, I've discovered that London Fog Tea from Starbucks is DELICIOUS. >>

Monday, September 26, 2011


I am so super excited.
My cookie cutters I ordered from Amazon came in.
I ordered them Friday and got them today (Monday).
Man that was super fast~
ANYWAYS, I didn't get one set of my animal cookie cutters but they were out of stock.
I'm going to order them once they get into stock.
The insect and flower ones are a little small, so I might save them for fondant etc.
Though, I might give making cookies out of them a try.
Maybe for a gingerbread house. XD

How Odd...

So I just found out that I can't post on here using my phone...
How strange...
I can put on a title, I just can't post anything.

I made pie a couple of days ago.
Totally forgot to take a picture of the banana cream pie I made. : |
But it didn't look as tasty as my apple and saskatoon pie. o3o
I think it looks delicious~

I baked a bunch of cookies BUT I didn't get pictures of them. D:

Sunday, September 18, 2011


So I finally decided to start a blog of my own.
I love to make things and wanted to share with everyone my, what I like to call, creativeness.
So, bear with me.
I'm learning how to do new things as I go through college and have a few hours between classes to do things during, when I don't have homework of course.
I'm terrible at introductions, so maybe I'll make a goal to get better at writing on here.
Since I want to keep this going as long as I can.

CheyElements was created by me in high school in the year 2006.
It was thought up during science class free time when a friend and I were discussing, totally off topic of science by the way, what we would name a company if we ever started one.

I may also post some of my artwork up on here if I'm not feeling lazy.

Anyway, a little about myself.

My Name: Just call me Kayla or Mickey. Everyone does.
My Age: I am twenty-one, going on twenty-two in December.
My Gender: Female, obviously.
My Favorite Food: Well right now I'm going to go with peaches. Can't get enough of those.
My Favorite Past Time: Oh that's a tough one, I'd say playing World of Warcraft and baking.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with the man of my dreams.
Favorite Summer Activity: Camping outdoors.
Favorite Winter Activity: Snowboarding.
College Area Of Study: Child and Youth Care Counseling.

I guess I'll touch on other subjects later on in the blog when I feel like I need to. Haha. <3